Don't Die, Dragonfly is a story about a high school girl named Sabine who finds herself in situations that she does not know how to handle. "Sure," you may think, "but there are a million books about that." WRONG. Sabine is what one may call a seer, or someone who can view the future. Although many would consider this a blessing, Sabine sees it as a curse. Because of her ability to predict the future, Sabine is thought to be involved with the death of a classmate, because Sabine knew so much about the event before it had happened. Sabine is expelled from her school and must leave her home town to live with her grandmother, who is also psychic. Sabine tries to start fresh in this new town, and does her best to keep her psychic abilities a secret. To calm her nerves and make new friends, Sabine decides to join the school newspaper staff as an advice columnist. At first, she sees the column as a subtle and harmless way of using her powers to help others. But when Sabine begins having visions of another student dying at her new school, she tries her best not to get involved. As her guilt becomes more and more unbearable, Sabine must decide whether to risk her newly-regained innocence in order to save the student's life, or to blow her cover again and have yet another town blaming her for the death. The only problem is that Sabine does not know who the victim is, how she is going to die, or how to stop her death from happening. The only information that Sabine can rely on is that the girl has a dragonfly tattoo. With the help from her grandmother, friends, and another psychic (the local "goth" girl, Thorn), Sabine dives into another mystery, hoping to clear her name and save the girl with the dragonfly tattoo.
1. Sabine is classified as a "seer" in psychic terms, which means that she can see the future. Thorn, however, is a "finder", which means that she can sense where something came from or where it is now. If you had to choose between the two, which psychic ability would you Prefer to have? Why?
2. If you were in Sabine's position, would you keep your gift a secret? Why or why not?
1) I think it would be cool to be a "seer" because I would know what is going to happen before it does. I would love to know what is gong to happen so I can avoid it. The only thing I would not want to know is when I was gong to die. I feel that if I knew that, then I would try and rush my days and get everything in I could. I would rather live my regular life and not worry about dying.
2) I think I would keep my secret gift, because it you make me different from everyone else. It may be hard to deal with at first, but the unique things are what make people who they are.
2. If I was Sabine, I think it would be very hard to keep my gift a secret. I could not stand to see something bad happen to someone or see someone get hurt. I would try to find ways to warn people without completely blowing my cover although they may not believe me at times. I feel that if you are given such a powerful gift, you should use it. Sabine could probably help a lot of people in her lifetime.
To answer your second question I think that I would try my best to keep my gift a secret but also try to help in some way. I think that having a gift like that would create too much attention and people would begin to expect too much out of you so keeping it quiet would be a better thing to do. I also think that having people know about the gift would make them treat you differently and I would want to be seen for me instead of what I could do so keeping it a secret would be the best thing to do.
1. I think I would rather be a "finder" because I feel like as a "seer" you might end up telling people bad things that are going to happen in their lives as opposed to telling them where they came from. They get any question about their past answered and you could help them find someone/something they have lost that might be important to them.
Regarding question # 1, I would prefer to be a "seer" rather than a "finder." Although Thorn's powers are interesting as well, being a seer would come in handy more often. Sabine can see into the future and help people from dire consequences. Since she can foresee the death of yet another student, she has the ability to choose whether or not to help her or to not get involved. If she gets involved and cannot help her in time, it may show that she was involved int the death. But, if she uses her abilitles in time, she can save a human beings life, which I find more useful than sensing where something came from or where it is now.
I would prefer to be a "finder" for the same reasons Sabine sees her ability to see the future as a curse. I wouldn't like knowing what is going to happen all the time in life. I feel as if that would take the fun out of everything. Life would be pointless and boring. In a split second, something can happen in your life that changes everything you're working for, but by being a "seer," the endless turns would never happen; life would be boring, a straight line.
I would most definitely keep my gift a secret. The people in today's world are mainly selfish and close-minded. I think that I would be classified as a "freak" for having such a gift, or I believe that people would hound me and try to get me to use my gift for their benefit. I think that keeping it a secret would benefit myself, and the others seeking to know everything about their future.
1. If I could choose between the psychic abilities I would choose to be a seer. I think it would be a lot more clear and helpful to have visions of the future rather than to just have senses. Senses would make things a lot more confusing and unclear compared visions. If i were a finder, I feel that I would spend most of my time being frustrated trying to understand my ability.
2. I would definitely keep my gift a secret. People are very fast to judge before they are willing to be open-minded and understanding. Especially because Sabine is in high school, teens are even faster and meaner about their judgments of people not exactly like them.
2. I would keep my gift a secret because people would definitely judge me and make it hard for me to fit in. I also would feel that if anything bad happened i woujld get blamed because people would think that i would be able to prevent because i may have seen it coming. i would maybe confide in a very close friend i trust but oher than that i would want to keep it a secret.
2) I would keep my gift a secret because it would be easier to live a normal life. Not only would people make fun of you for being so different, people would also never leave you alone. For example, if I was a seer and everyone knew, tons of people would constantly be asking me what their future was. They wouldn't understand the limitations to the gift and would not only become frustrated if I couldn't reveal answers for them, but they would also question if I could even see the future. This would get old for me very fast and eventually I would despise my gift. Keeping it a secret would make my gift remain special to me.
1. I would probably prefer to be a finder rather than a seer. That way I still had some sort of interesting and potentially helpful power without having to see the future. I think being a seer and knowing the little things that would happen to me would suck the fun out of life.
2. I would keep my gift a secret. Even if I could help prevent a death there is probably a way of helping out without exposing the fact that I was a seer. Having that be public knowlage would be a huge burden.
1. I would be a finder. I think the power a finder has sounds very interesting and I would absolutely not want to see the future. Seeing the future would be depressing to me. As stated a lot of the fun would be gone, and also I'd rather focus on the here and now rather than on a time I'm not currently at.
I think I would choose to be a "finder" because at least you can use your gift and make it useful. Personally, I believe the future is set and unchangeable, so the gift of a "seer" would be useless because there would be no point being able to tell the future if you could not change its' outcome.
I think that if i had to choose, i would choose to be a "finder". I wouldnt want to be a "seer" because i woild feel too responsible for what might happen in the future. Since i would see things that the future holds, it may effect how i live my life and how i interact with others. And if something went wrong that i knew i could have prevented, i would fel terrible and i dont know how i could get it off my conscious.
I feel like you have to share this talent with the world. Something like psychic abilities could be so helpful when it comes to solving problems and/or understanding how things effect the big picture. Hiding this ability to forecast the future would be selfish to keep to yourself.
I would rather be a finder. I wouldn't want to know how life was going to happen before it actually happens, because I would feel cheated out of the surprise of not knowing what's going to happen next. I would also not want to know the bad things that would happen to other people because if I couldn't stop it, I would feel incredibly guilty.
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