The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen is about a high school girl named Macy whose father recently passed away. Since her father's death, she blames herself, but always pretends like she is fine. Macy tries to live a "perfect" life, with the perfect boyfriend, job, and grades. Before her father's death, she never cared about appearance, but now she must look the part of perfection. Macy says, "If I wanted people to see me as calm and collected, together, I had to look the part" (Dessen 17). She must play every role of being invincible. Macy's boyfriend, Jason, is a genius and away at Brain Camp for the summer. Since she is alone for the summer, Macy's days consist of the boring job at the library and her nights of SAT prep. Macy and her mother rarely see each other since her mom is always occupied with work. She is content with her life, but when she begins working for the catering company, Wish, everything changes. She meets a creative, edgy guy, named Wes, who she begins to fall for. Instead of her SAT prep every night, she goes out to parties with her work friends. In the midst of her summer, Jason decides he wants a break with Macy because she decided to say "I love you." Despite the "break" with Jason, she finally begins to reach happiness with Wes. She can tell him anything and even share her feelings about her father, something she has not been able to do since his death. Macy and Wes grow closer throughout the novel as he shows her that there is more to life than striving for perfection. However, "perfect" Jason is coming back at the end of the summer. Who will she choose, the smart, geeky Jason or the edgy, artistic Wes?
1. In the novel, Macy is conflicted between Jason and Wes. She cannot deny her attraction towards Wes, but Jason is the "ideal" boyfriend and in her comfort zone. What would you do if an edgy guy/girl came along? Would you take the risk of trying things out or remain in your comfort zone? Why?
2. Macy's mother does not apporve of Macy working at the catering company or hanging out with her work friends. However, these are the things that make Macy happy. Would you listen to your parents if they told you to stop doing what makes you happy? Would you be willing to break the rules?
If a boy who seemed over the edge and dangerously intruiging came along,, I would know that I know better but most likely take a chance anyways. Even if the little voice inside my head assures me that I'm getting into something a little risky, I think part of the way that people find out what they TRULY need in a relationship is by experimenting with thrilling relationships that end up failing to be all they've been hyped up to be. Secondly, I would most definately take my parents' words of advice into consideration, depending on the issue. For something juvenile such as a chore or job, I would take their side. However, anything that messes with my relationships and future happiness would most definately cause me to rebel against their wishes.
1) I think that if i were in Macy's place I would choose Wes because she can actually be herself around him. Even though it is a little out of her comfort zone, hes still better for her.
2) I think that as long as it isn't hurting anyone, it is alright to break some rules to have some fun.
I definatly see where you're coming form Rachel and I completely agree. The little voice inside my head would be saying no but I know I would think "What if?" if I never actually tried things out. And even though he is a little dangerous, if that's what makes me happy, then I would stick with him.
For question 2, I agree with you both. As long as I'm not hurting anyone, I will probably take risks for a little bit of fun. But, I also see where you're coming from Rachel. My parents most likely have wise advice since they have once been my age, but if they disapprove of what makes me happy, then I would ignore their wishes and continue to pursue what I wanted.
1. I think that it is important for Macy to be with the guy that she can be herself around and not one that broke up with her for telling him how she really feels and I would do the same. I also think it is important for her the explore her options.
1.I would stick with the guy I liked before, because I know that they will like me for who I am. If the "edgy guy" came along, he might find someone better later on. I would stay in my comfort zone because I wouldn't want to lose something that meant a lot to me just because someone else seemed better at the time.
2. I would listen to my parents if the thing i enjoyed was dangerous or harmful. If they people I started hanging out with where not good, I would listen to my parents. If I knew my friends were good, I wouldn't listen to the rules my parents made about not haning out with them.
To answer the first question, I would simply follow my heart. If I wanted to take the risk with the edgy guy, I would; I am not afraid to try something new. However, on the other hand, if I felt more comfortable and more like myself with my original boyfriend, I would work things out with him. Either way, I would just want to make sure that I was happy and choosing the guy for the right reasons. To answer the second question, I don't think that Macy is doing anything wrong by working at a catering company or by hanging out with her friends after work, so I would not listen to my parents in this case. However, if by hanging out with my new work friends I started to get into trouble, I would take my parent's advice and probably start to look for other friends.
1) If an edgy guy came along, I would take the risk of trying things out with them. It is always fun to try new things and edgy people are fun to be around. If you are with the calm guy, then life will not be very interesting. An adgy person will keep you on your toes all the time and will allow you to live your life to the fullest.
2) My parents and I are very close; however, I would not listen to them if they tell me to not do what makes me happy. I would break their rules and do what is right for myself. I would rather be happy with mad parents, then depressed and happy parents. I think many parents would not stop their children from doing what makes them happy, unless it is going to get them hurt.
I guess it all depends on like what stage of my life I was in. If I was just in high school and it didn't really matter yeah I'd probably go for the more edgy guy that I was more attracted to. But if I were older and had a life and a family to think about, I'd probably go with the more stable guy. Sometimes, even though it isn't easy, it's better to think with your head over your heart.
If my parents wouldn't let me do something that makes me happy, I'd basically tell them to go away. Even now I really don't care what my parents think about what I do, and I turned out just fine. Good grades and a bright future. Sometimes parents think they know best because they're parents and they think it comes with the territory, but it's a lot more than that.
Surprisingly, I am the only male to answer this question yet...I guess all the procrastinators, who happen to be guys, are waiting for another post to comment on that is a little less feminie. But since this is one of only two posts up, and you are a dear friend of mine Bojana, I will spill my innermost feelings about the discussion questions for you.
1. Going for a person of the opposite sex who you feel is not "your type" can sometimes lead to lifelong friendships. This question does not have to stay within the typical, dramatic, hormone-infested high school dating scene. People who are already in relationships, or single can form friendships with people whom they would not normally associate with. Getting to know different types of people helps us learn more about the differences and similarities that make each and every one of us unique. Sarah's situation deals with being able to become comfortable with a "significant other", which is a quality that most people need to have. She needs to use her best judgement and figure out for herself what exactly she wants and how either of the two men stuck in her life would be able to please her.
Hahaha Alex, I love you, but the protagonist is Macy, not Sarah. Sarah's the author :)
Kelsey: It is important, especially in high school, for people to explore their options and learn about other types of people. I would also be with the person I could be myself around, which is Wes in Macy's situation.
Deanna: I understand where you're coming from and that's probably the safest option, but I would always think "What if?" if I didn't try things out which is why I would go with the new edgy guy.
And for questions two, I understand what you mean and once again that's probably the best option, but I kind of like dangerous situations; they make me feel like I'm living to the fullest.
Kristen: I would also follow my heart and do what felt right. And for the second question, I definatly agree with you. If I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong, I wouldn't listen to them. But if I knew I was wrong, then I would try and take my parents' advice.
Kara: I definatly agree with you. I would take a risk; why not? You're only young once. And for the second question, I would do whatever makes me happy. I would take my parents' opinions into consideration but at the end of the day, it's just that; their OPINION.
Mary: I agree with you about the difference between the stage of life you're in. As a teenager, you're carefree and don't really have kids and their future to think about. But as an adult, going with the "safer" choice would be best. For question two, I know what you mean. Parents just think they have control over you because they're your parents. Sometimes they don't take your happiness into consideration, which I think is wrong.
1) I agree with what was said earlier that it depends on the stage of life you are in, but when you're younger it's good to meet different kinds of people. I feel that teenagers are always looking for something new and exciting and we get sick of the same things all the time. Going out with someone that is different from your "type" may let you experience new things that you could possibly like too. Also, even though someone may seem completely different from you, you may have more in common than you think. I think it's good to break out of your comfort zone sometimes and life will be more exciting if you do. But if it doesn't work out, you learn from it and move on.
2) If my parents disapproved of something that I did that made me truly happy, I would most likely break the rules. Although I would listen to the reasons why they did not like what I was doing, in the end as long as what I was doing was not hurting me, I would continue to do the activity that they disapproved of me doing.
1)I would take the risk of breaking out of my comfort zone. I believe that if you remain in the comfort zone your whole life, you're not really living. Risk taking requires courage. If a person does not have the courage to try something new, they will never know what they are missing out on.
2)I would break the rules. There is a time and place for being studious and proactive about reaching certain goals but there is also a time for fun. There needs to be a balance of both and if my parents were trying to cut out fun, I would go against their wishes.
1. I've been with 'edgy' girls before and from my experiences, they are complete trouble. Especially at my age, girls tend to appear more attractive when they have that 'bad' side to them. However, this trait tends to cause more anxiety than happiness. 'Edgy' girls tend to have more of a chance of being manipulative and sketchy people in general. Don't mess with 'em.
2. I wouldn't listen to my parents if what I was doing made me happy and didn't cause any harm towards myself or others. However, I would listen if what I was doing hurt myself or others OR if it was illegal. I wouldn't break the rules on an extreme scale, however, I think you gotta break them once in a while to live life to the fullest.
If an edgy guy cam along I would probably go for it. It'd be an awesome experience even if it didn't end well. And it most likely wouldn't. But it would be fun. If my parents wanted me to stop doing something that was making me happy (especially if it were after something so tramatic as losing my father) I would continue to do it anyway. I feel like as long as no one is getting hurt, and it's legal, go for it.
1. I would go for the edgy-er guy outside of my comfort zone because I find the mystery and edgy aspects of him compelling. If I was With the perfect guy, and then a guy who is interesting and mysterious comes along, I would probably go out of my comfort zone for him.
1. Obviously, you can't have both edgy and comfort zone boys. In my opinion I think someone should "choose" to date somebody based on whether or not they could stay with this person for more than a few weeks without getting bored and without completely changing personality, morals etc. Edgy guys are cool to crush on cool to hang out with but when it comes to an actual relationship it's all about whether or not you could stay being yourself while with this guy and if the answer is no, stay away. Personally I wouldn't choose either if I were in between because it's unfair to all parties.
2. I would do whatever made me happiest as long as it wasn't hurting my future or my body. If these dudes were doing drugs all the time and partying I might consider what my parents have to say, but if they aren't, what's the big deal?
1. I would take the risk of trying things out because its something new and something out of the ordinary. Change is sometimes a good thing, so i would consider trying it out.
2. I wouldnt listen to my parents because if i finally found something that makes me happy, i would want to stick with that even if it meant breaking the rules.
I feel that there is nothing wrong with choosing to reach out of one's own comfort zone. We would never gain any confidence in ourselves if we never tried to go against the norm. In this situation, I would follow my heart and go with who I truly had feelings for. Even though Jason is the ideal boyfriend, if the relationship did not feel right I would tell him and be honest with him about it. It seems as though Macy likes Wes, but she feels as though Jason is the more "presentable" boyfriend. She needs to focus on how she feels and not worry about what others think. In the end, the things in your life should be the way they are to make you happy and not to impress others.
I would probably pick Wes because he seems to make her happier. Sometimes the perfect person for you isn't necessarily the 'perfect' person.
1. well based on recent events in my life i would say that taking the risk is what i would do. if taking a risk means more happiness then yeah go for it. if the risk doesnt work out then so be it. you obviously werent happy enough with the comfortable relationship you had before and youll find someone new so take the risk.
2. well bojana, since you keep asking questions that relate to my life ill use another real life example. i do not ask my parents if i can do things anymore. nor do i tell them what im doing. this is because some of the things i do would not be approved by them. and even if i did tell them and they said no i would break the rules because i have worked hard in school my whole life and deserve to have fun.
2. I would try to compromise with my parent to make both of us happy. If that was not an option, I would most likely find a way to still do what I want, but to make my parent happy as well
1. I would go for the person that i can be myself around and who makes me happy. i wouldn't care that i dont have the "ideal" and "perfect" boyfriend, as long as the guy I have makes me happy and I could be myself around him, so if i were Macy I would go with Wes.
1) No, I would not be with that boy because they are not the type of person I would want to be with in the end. In my opinion, you date people to find the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with. For me, I have to ask myself will that "artsy" person be able to provide me emotional and financial stability?? If the answer is no, why should I waste my time??
2) I can honestly say from personal experience that it is extremeley hard to disobey controlling parents. They pretty much make you do what they want, because they show you your whole life that they are right and will eventually in the end provide you with the safest and happiest path of life for you. You may hate their decisions initially, but in the end, it more than likely will have been what was best for you.
1. If some guy came along out of nowhere who was edgy it would really depend on his personality. He could be edgy, he could look edgy, but his personality could be completely different. I'm always up to try anything, but when it comes to relationships, the only thing, if this is risking anything, that I would do to try things out is get to know him first before I do anything. I'm not going to immediatly fall for this guy I want to know who he is first before I find myself into a bad situation.
2. My parents have the best judgement and the worst judgement. All parents are like that. My mom has told me plenty of times she does not pick or choose my friends and she lets us do what we want as long as we check in, respect her, and don't do anything stupid. And because I listen to my mom I know if she knew something made me happy, she wouldn't tell me to stop doing it. If she were, however, it would completely depend on the situation. If I loved singing and she told me not to, I wouldn't listen. But if it was anything else harming me and others just so I could find some happniess I would listen to her and respect her opinion.
Most people prefer to stay in there shell or comfort zone but secretly hate that they can't take chances. I hate living with regrets. I'd roll the dice because looking back you'd never have to wonder what could have been.
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