Sunday, April 24, 2011

1984 by George Orwell

1984, written by George Orwell is a novel based on the future of society in which, the government is completely in control of the people. The idea of this government, called Oceania or "Big Brother," is based on ultra socialist ideas. It watches every single action of every single individual.The protagonist of the story, Winston, becomes suspicious of "Big Brother" once he starts to realize that no matter what he does or where he goes he can see the face of the party. Once he realizes this fact, a domino effect of thoughts occurs in Winstons' head. He begins to realize that nobody has unique thoughts, nobody does unique things, and there is absolutely no individualism, something our modern society is completely based on. Once he realizes this he begins to Winston begins to record his individual and unique thoughts in a diary, something Big Brother forbids. He also meets a woman whom he loves named Julia, another anti-government ideal. As the novel progresses, Big Brother realizes that Winston is committing these crimes and begin to torture him with his diary of secrets and thought. Big Brother places Winston in a ministry where the government attempts to brain wash him into forgetting about Julia and learning to love Big Brother. Do they succeed? READ IT!

1. While the idea of a completely controlled population seems impossible, many critics believe that one day a society will exist wherein the government controls every move and thought of its people. How do you feel about this idea of a completely controlled population. If you were a citizen under the rule of Big Brother, would you follow the rules or would you, like Winston, risk your life in order to feel freedom of individuality?


Cieran B. 5-6 said...

I would risk my life in order for freedom of indivduality for freedom is what makes us human. Our freedom of choice and how we live our lives is part of our humanity. You take that away all you have are trained animals that do what they are told.

Bojana Duric said...

1. Having a completely controlled population is boring. It would be the same thing everyday and everyone would be the same as well. If I was a citizen and I knew there was something better out there, I would risk my life in order to feel freedom. However, if I didn't know that there was anything different out there, I would probably stick to the everyday routine.

Sydney C.13-14 said...

I feel that I would risk myself for a life of individuality hands down. Normally risking your life is a difficult decision with many self sacrifices, but under this form of government control it does not seem as if anyone has much of a life to lose.I am not sure i can say that I would actively fight against Big Brother's control by staging open protests, but I would definitely make an effort to keep my individual thoughts flowing, much like Winston does with his diary in the novel.

Fritz J. 13-14 said...

i think i would risk my life for the freedom of individuality.