The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon, takes place in 1998 in a place called Swindon, England. The story starts off with the narrator, Christopher John Francis Boone, discovering a murdered dog in his neighbor, Mrs. Shears', lawn. He decides to try and solve the murder until he gets in to some trouble with the police after punching one of them. He was scared due to his mild case of autism. He is told not to go anywhere near the crime scene but does it anyway. Boone begins writing a book with his thoughts about the murder and interviews with witnesses. He discovers that Mrs. Shears was having an affair in retaliation for her husband's affair with Boone's mother before she disappeared. Mrs. Shears was having an affair with Mr. Boone, who breaks down crying when Christopher discovers his lies. Terrified of his father, he leaves to find his mother. Once there he overcomes his social problems due to his autism, becomes successful at a university, and ends up developing a great relationship with his mother. They move back to England and Boone's father regularly visits. He believes he can do this because he solved the murder.
This novel reflects a coming-of-age story: becoming independent and finding a role in life. Christopher overcomes his inability to understand people, dealing with new environments, and an overload of information all at once. Christopher gains the confidence to move outside his comfort zone which is something he could not do at the beginning of the story. His decision to try and solve the murder case gives him the push he needed to talk to new people. The novel gives the reader a perspective of how Christopher Boone views the world in an uncommon way. He is an uncommon person who finds a way in life.
1. Christopher always believes in acting logically. Do you think that it is a good idea to always be logical in life?
2. Most of the characters in the story treat Christopher like a child and very mean just because of his autism. How would you treat a friend or family member if they had autism?
3. Christopher becomes independent and discovers a role in his life. Do you think it's possible for all people, including those with a mental disability, to become independent and find a role in life?
I have a good friend who has autism and I treat her like a normal person. For the most part she acts normal; she enjoys seeing movies and spending time with family, she has been on sports teams, and she has hobbies like scrap-booking. Granted, it's Asperger's syndrome, which is a mild case of autism, but I treat her like I treat my other friends. I really enjoy being around her. She sees the world in such a different way than most people. So I do not think that people with autism should be talked down to. They might need a little more direction every now and again but they are anything but stupid. The ones who have mild cases of autism especially have the ability to function independently.
I don't always think that it is a good idea to act logical in life. Sometimes the best things and the most powerful relationships are the outcomes of spontaneous occurances and random coincidences that split into breathtaking mishaps. I know a lot of loving and great job opportunities that have been a result of irrational thinking.
If a family member that I knew had autism, I am sure that I would learn to treat him as just another member of the family. He would obviously have a few more difficulties that would involve a higher amount of care and caution. However, there is a kind of brotherly love that evolves from siblings even that holds kin together even when the going gets tough. I think this is exactly what could keep me loving my disabled family member the same.
Lastly, I think those that are mentally disabled are able to be independent and find a role in life. It may not be to the extent as someone who is fully capable of functioning properly, such as with getting dressed or making meals. However, anyone who is determined and driven is perfectly capable of doing what they want to do.
1) I feel that you should not act logical in life all the time. The random things in life that occur, are usually the best things. Many couples randomly meet and end up staying together for their lifetime.
2) I would absolutely never treat a person with autism poorly. I think that is the rudest thing anyone could ever do. People in life need to realize that the autistic people cannnot help it. They were born with it, it was not their choice. This is an issue I stand very strong on, because I have known many people who are autistic. People these days take advantage of their low selfdefense abilities and pick on them.
3) I think it is possible for every to become independent. It just depends on how badly the person wants to be. It is all in the mind. If you want something bad enough, then you will be able to obtain it. Even people with mental disabilities are able to think for themselves and obtain greatness.
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