New Moon, the second installment in the world wide Twilight Saga phenomenon, continues the complications of a human-vampire relationship between 17 year-old Bella and 109 year-old year old Edward. Edward, trying to be a gentleman throws Bella an elaborate birthday party at his house. While Bella is opening a gift, she gets a paper cut. This is obviously a problem considering she is surrounded by vampires. Edward's "brother" Jasper, cannot resist and becomes ravenous, almost attacking Bella.
Edward sulks the entire way home, whining to Bella about how he is too dangerous for her to be around. Bella proclaims to him that because she is human, he will always be a risk to her, so she then continues to try and convince him to turn her into a vampire. The next day, Edward tells Bella to walk into the woods with her. They get a few steps into the woods and Edward dumps Bella, telling her he does not want her any more. Edward abruptly leaves the scene, leaving Bella alone in the woods. Bella runs through the woods looking for Edward, then finally collapses. This puts Bella into a manic-depression, in which she isolates herself from all of her friends and obsesses with the absence of Edward. Her father Charlie tells her that he is going to send her back to Florida to live with her mother if she does not snap out of it. Bella takes this into consideration and strikes up a friendship with a childhood friend, Jacob. Jacob soon finds himself falling in love with Bella as they spend time together fixing cars and motor bikes.
Bella realizes that when she does thrill-seeking adventures, she hallucinates and can "hear" Edward. Crazy? Yes. Jacob begins to get buff, making him appear huge compared to Bella. Bella soon learns that Jacob, along with the other tribe members, are a pack of werewolves. Jacob and his pack protect Bella from the vampire Laurent and also Victoria, who seek revenge for her dead mate, James.
Meanwhile, in a series of miscommunications, Edward is lead to believe Bella has killed herself. Because Edward is still in love with Bella, he feels like he has no reason to live. Edward travels to Italy to provoke the Volturi, also known as the "rulers" of the vampire world. Bella then has to choose between going to Italy to save her "true love" Edward, or break the heart of her best friend, Jacob.
1.) Do you feel that Bella is a whiny-do-nothing that does not deserve neither Edward nor Jacob? Please explain your answer.
2.) Would you become manic-depressive if your love interest left you like Edward left Bella, or would you allow yourself to meet new people and move on?
3.) Do you feel that the Twilight Saga is misleading and Vampires should burn in the sun, not sparkle?
First, I would like to say that your questions are awesome.
1) In the second book, Bella is quite whiny and complains constantly. I really do not know how Jacob falls in love with her. Regardless, I think that in the other books, she does what she can seeing as how she is human and her enemies are always immortal.
2) I think that if I lost the one I loved, I would move on after a bit. I am not one to hold onto things that I believe have no hope.
3) In the books, the whole sparkling vampires things actually sounds a semi-cool looking. However, the movies ruined it and made it look ridiculous.
1.) I agree, Bella does so as much as she can to protect herself and the one's she loves.
2.) I also agree with that. I would probably be sad for a while, but I think I would eventually move on knowing there is no hope.
3.) In the movie, they do seem quite cheesy, but to me, vampires burning in the sun just sounds so much more intersting than sparkling.
To answer the first question, I do feel like Bella whines a lot in the second book, but I don't think this means she doesn't deserve Edward or Jacob. She has a right to be confused and her curiosity that involves asking a lot of questions sometimes comes across as whiny, but I don't think she intends for it to be this way. She is just a very curious person, and she doesn't like when Edward sometimes brings up the fact that he is too dangerous for her. To answer the second question, depending on how in love with the person I was, I think I would be depressed if he left me. I am not one to give up on anything without trying first, so I would not be able to move on without first giving it a second chance, if I truly loved that person and thought the relationship was worth fighting for. If it still failed after that, I would realize that it simply wasn't meant to be, and I would then move on. To answer the third question, I don't feel like it's a bad thing that the Twilight Saga portrays the vampires as sparkling as opposed to creatures that should burn in the sun. I think it's a creative take on them, and it's definitely a part of what makes the series so intriguing.
To answer the first question, I do feel like Bella whines a lot in the second book, but I don't think this means she doesn't deserve Edward or Jacob. She has a right to be confused and her curiosity that involves asking a lot of questions sometimes comes across as whiny, but I don't think she intends for it to be this way. She is just a very curious person, and she doesn't like when Edward sometimes brings up the fact that he is too dangerous for her. To answer the second question, depending on how in love with the person I was, I think I would be depressed if he left me. I am not one to give up on anything without trying first, so I would not be able to move on without first giving it a second chance, if I truly loved that person and thought the relationship was worth fighting for. If it still failed after that, I would realize that it simply wasn't meant to be, and I would then move on. To answer the third question, I don't feel like it's a bad thing that the Twilight Saga portrays the vampires as sparkling as opposed to creatures that should burn in the sun. I think it's a creative take on them, and it's definitely a part of what makes the series so intriguing.
Hahahaha Vanessa I love you. I'm doing Eclipse next week. Okay so number one, yes Bella is a terrible whiny character and any reader of the Twilight saga would say this. She doesn't know what she wants and she does not deserve the unyielding love of either Jacob or Edward, especially at the same time. She pretty much uses Jacob throughout the book than ditches him for Edward at the end, therefore she is undeserving. 2) Only Bella would become a crazy psychopath. I sure hope that I would not obsess over an ex-boyfriend and put myself intentionally into life threatening situations just to see visions of him. I would like to say that I would move on and only be lucky enough to fall in love with a werewolf as adorable as Taylor Lautener aka Jacob. 3) Twilight is not misleading, it gives a modern day twist to the stereotypical vampire. If anyone has read the books they would know that nothing can destroy these vamps unless it is another vampire or a werewolf. They are ferocious when hungry, extremely protective, and intelligent, just like any other version of other vampires.
kristen- I do also agree with you. I think Bella falls into her depression because she did truly love Edward, and I almost feel that if girls like you and I were in the same situation as her, we may do the same things. I also think that Stephenie Meyer's way of portraying the vampires, i.e. sparkling, is creative and shows that it is okay to have your own opinions and ideas on how something should be!
Laura- I agree, Bella can be whiny, but I almost feel that anyone would be in her situation. Sometimes I feel as if Bella is just annoying, but then again, part of me admires her character.
In response to number one: I feel that Bella does whine a lot, but a lot of the time, that's how we vent. Personally, I feel a lot better about a situation when I complain and talk to people about it. Bella stays depressed for a long time because she really has no one to talk to about her situation. This is because no one truly understands it. I don't think that this makes her unworthy of having either guy, but simply makes her human. We all have been guilty of whining and complaining when things don't go our way.
1) I believe that Bella may be a whiny-do-nothing but there is more to her than that. I don't think how she treats Jacob is right at all, he deserves someone who can care about him entirely and not just as a substitute. Bella and Edward however are deeply in love and although they have issues, their love makes them happy and the number one priority in life is to pursue happiness. Bella is whiny because she feels as if when Edward left, she lost herself. The "do-nothing" part of her is only because she is so depressed she is mentally drained and has no energy to "do something."
2)At first I would be upset but I have learned that you cannot let people make or break you. Granted, I have no met my "true love" if such a thing even exists, but I believe a person must discover themselves and be content before they can truly commit to another. If you reach that understanding in yourself, I believe that if you find love, you will appreciate as it is and let it go when its time is up.
3)I feel that the Twilight Saga can do as it pleases. Characteristics of vampires are all fictional to begin with so I think that Stephanie Meyers has a right to interpret them anyway she wants. Who am I to stiffle someone's creative genius? If people have a problem with Stephanie Meyer's depiction of vampires, do not read her series.
Great questions!
1. Bella is a rather whiny character, but I do share some sympathy for her.She is going through a confusing time, involved in two complicated relationships with not just your typical boys next door. I am not sure exactly what draws Edward and Jacob to Bella, but she does have a few good character traits when you see past the complaining.
2. Everyone goes through their own phase in the grieving process at the end of a serious relationship where you miss your ex, however I feel it is a little extreme to attempt potentially life threatening thrill-stunts in order to hear or see your ex again. I would probably just listen to an old voicemail or maybe go through some old pictures on facebook.
3. Historically, vampires have been known to burn in the sun, but I do not think it is a bad thing that Stephanie Meyer has put a new twist on the supernatural.
1. I agree with what other people have mentioned in terms of Bella being very whiny. But I feel that she, in a way, has a right to behave like that because she feels so weak and boring when compared to Jacob and Edward. I feel that Bella deserves Edward but Jacob definitely does not deserve Bella. He would do anything for her, yet she leaves him without a second thought.
2. I feel that it all depends on how serious the relationship is, but in general, I don't think I would become manic-depressive. Don't get me wrong, I would be devastated for awhile, but I would do my best to move on after it was definitely over.
3. I like the fact that Stephenie Meyer has the vampires sparkle. I think it adds to the mood of the story. I don't feel like it is misleading.
1. I suppose that Bella is whiny but it's hard to say in general what anyone deserves, though I tend to lean with others saying how she doesn't deserve Jacob. Overall I think that Bella was a poorly done character by Stephanie Meyer. On one hand she is supposed to be like a loner but on the other hand she is popular with the other characters in the story. It almost seemed as if Meyer couldn't decide on Bella's character. If Bella is not whiny, she is too dependent on Edward and Jacob and seems to cling to them in a sense because she doesn't know what to do with herself.
2. I would not become a manic-depressive. I believe that someone who is meant to be with you will be with you. If the person leaves you and never comes back, it wasn't meant to be. Bella was just fortunate how her problems played out.
3. The twilight series is not misleading at all. When I first picked up this series four years ago the back of the book said it would be about vampires, and it was. I think that vampires can do whatever the author wants them to do. So if Meyer wants them to sparkle, she can do that! If she wants them to radiate rainbows as well, that's her choice.
*I went off a bit on question 1, oops! I also love how all the girls are commenting on this.
It would take me forever to write back to everyone so I'm just going to write a general response :)
Question 1: I feel that particularly in this book, Bella is quite whiney, but one must take into consideration the subject at hand. I'm not going to lie, if my vampire boyfriend were constantly saying things like "I'm too dangerous for you" or "I'm not good for you" etc etc, I too would probably whine and say, "Alright, listen here, I love you, I want to be with you, turn me into a vamp now so we can be together." On the other hand, I think that the way Bella treats Jake is wrong because she is using him to fill that void in her heart from when Edward left. Jake is such a bright and loveable character though, so it is almost impossible not to side with him. In the third book, Bella does admit to loving Jake, but she loves Edward more. I personally feel that Bella is a strong character who has many admirable qualities.
2.) I know that if I had a love for someone like Edward, I would probably become very very sad. Going to the point of doing dangerous things to hear him, probably not. I, like sydney said, would probably creep through facebook pictures and old letters and locked texts, whatever. I found myself loving Jacob, (and not just because Taylor Lautner plays him) and I think if I were to meet someone as warm (no pun intended) and caring as Jake, I would probably move onto that person.
3.) My reply to this question is about to sound very lame...
I think Meyers interpretation of vampires sparkling in the sun is brilliant; she allowed herself to go against what everyone else believed. I also watch vampire diaries and in the show, the vampires burn. I think both ways are both interesting in their own ways. Twilight is more of a love story, with the whole mythical creatures theme adding more depth and complications to the story to make things intersting. Vampire Diaries on the other hand, is more violent and somewhat more traditional. Also, there are many plot twists, but that is because it is a drama, whereas Twilight is more romantic.
So, thanks to everyone who took the time to read that hahah and don't get me wrong, I love love love the Twilight Saga, I was just asking these kinds of questions to get people to talk and voice their opinions because I know many people are either pro-twilight or anti-twilight.
1. I get what you mean Vanessa about Jacob. She is basically using him from how I interpret it. Edward isn't available so she goes off to try and find the 'next best thing'. Another way she used him was getting him to help her with the bikes so she could be doing something dangerous in hopes of seeing him. Bella leads Jacob on as well and knows it. She just flat out uses him. As to the third book, I don't think she loved him in a romantic sense. I feel like she just loved him as a friend.
What you said about what you would say to someone like Edward is what Bella was constantly saying. Edward was playing with her like a yo-yo. He was saying that he was too bad for her but on the same hand he tried to control her. He should either be in her life or not be in it. I don't see how he could be in it part way. He is almost like how an ex is. They want to have some control over you still even though they're not with you. I don't quite understand why he acts like that. Do you think it's because he knows it's wrong but finds it too tempting?
2. Creep through facebook pictures? That just made me laugh! I think you and Sydney are more reasonable than Bella. Even when she did the dangerous things, she wasn't really seeing him. It wasn't like he was actually there. I also found Jacob more appealing like you.
3. I don't think you sound lame at all. It goes back to my post saying that she can do what she wants. She went a different route and people either embrace the uniqueness of it or they bash it to bits. There are so many books on vampires already that it would be hard to alter one to be your own.
It does seem like people are either pro or anti Twilight. I'm somewhere in the middle. I read the books before the movies came out and they were just books to me. I didn't find them 'amazing' or 'horrible'. I am more against how awful the movies were but I know there's not much to expect when books are made into movies. Most movies from books turn out horrible because they can't mirror the images you had in your head while you were reading the book. I will say though that Harry Potter movies are amazing as a little side comment.
I really think that Edward is just not sure what Bella thinks of him, after all he can read everyone thoughts except for Bella's. I can only imagine how frustrating that would be. There is a quote from East of Eden by Steinbeck that says "Maybe- maybe love makes you suspicious and doubting. Is it true that when you love a woman you are never sure- never sure of her because you aren't sure of yourself?"
I think this applies to Edward because he is 109, and he is still not sure of who he really is. He never loved anyone the way he loves Bella and I think that scares him. Some people run away from what is good for them, and I think that Edward is no exception.
"Bella realizes that when she does thrill-seeking adventures, she hallucinates and can "hear" Edward. Crazy? Yes. Jacob begins to get buff, making him appear huge compared to Bella."
i literally laughed out loud. :)
right. so 1) bella is totally a whiner who doesn't deserve either of them. she just complains and mopes.
2) i'm of the opinion that becoming manic-depression is never the preferable option. hahaha. but i suppose i can see why bella ended up lik that. she was unhealthily attached to edward.
3) i suppose it's deffinately an interesting and original idea, but i think it makes edward look like a fairy. just sayin. :)
hah vanessa love your questions :)
for the first question I believe that she is pretty whinny, but she is also a little confused about them both. I don't think she knows what she wants exactly. For the second i think i would move on. I wouldn't want to spend my life wondering "what if" I think meeting new people and moving on is healthier mentally. For 3, I do believe they should burn, not sparkle!
To be honest, I never really liked Bella. She seemed so flat and unexpressive in her emotions. I know this seems preposterous and I am probably going to have quite a few Twilight fans on my neck about it, but she seems so self-contained that she never really loves herself. If she can't even accpet herself, how in the world is Edward suppossed to? In this way, she DOES seem whiny to me. And I personally think Edward could do so much better. People of his kind seem to be so much more passionate. The kind of raging and burning passion that I don't think Bella can deliver. Secondly, I would definately become depressed. I don't think I would allow myself to become depressed to the point of teetering on the verge of insanity. It seems unorthodox to let someone destroy you like that when you could instead use the oppotunity to become stronger. Lastly, I think burning in the sun would correctly portray the kind of heart that Edward has. Edward isn't a lighthearted and passive man. Rather, he has a flaming temper and love that certain does not compare to a little glitter. Fire shows intensity, lust, and power.
I feel that Bella does whine a lot throughout this story, but its hard to blame her. She had basically just lost her entire life. I'm sure if that were me I would have acted the same way. I do not think this means that she does not deserve Edward or Jacob. She was put into a very difficult situation, and she was left entirely alone when Edward left her. Unfortunately, it took her awhile to finally open up with people again, but in doing this she was able to befriend Jacob, who became a very important person in her life. For the most part, she overcame the depression she felt, and for that reason I feel like she does deserve someone important in her life.
Rachael- I love your reason for why he should sparkle, I think it is very well thought and very insightful. :)
Kristen- I agree with you, it is hard to blame her for whining so much. I think most people would be the same way in her situation.
First off, I actually like the Twilight series. It's fascinating. But regarding question # 2, I do not think I would become a "manic-depressive" if my love interest left. I would be very sad after my love interest left me and I would be very moody. Break-ups, no matter how they happen, are tough to get over. They are especially hard to get over if you are in love with thr person. It's tough if someone leads you on and you completely fall for them, not knowing the fate of your relationship. Bella thought they were going to be together forever, but Edward left and all her expectations were crushed, which left her broken and miserable. I would eventually get over it and try to build a new life.
2. I would not become manic-depressive if my love interest left. I would be upset, but i think i would try to move on and try to forgot about him as best as i could by meeting new people and going and doing different things. This is a way i could keep my mind off him.
Okay. So I know I'm going to probably be made fun of... but I have read all 4 novels in the saga. Why? Because I'm a chick-flick kinda guy.
1) I personally do not think Bella is 'whiny' any more than the next emotional and hormonal teenager. When kids our age supposedly 'fall in love' they are injected daily with some sort of natural high that makes it seem like the person they love is the only thing that matters. Once we mature or have our heart broken, we realize this is absolutely not true.
2) I've had my heart broken before, and it definitely does suck. I was honestly a wreck for probably about a week. But that's about it. There's no reason to keep loving someone who does not love you. One of my favorite quotes by a band called Gallows is "The hardest thing you'll ever learn is just love, and be loved in return." Even adults lose hope sometime and like to think that someone can always make them happy, but to tell you the truth, REAL love is not like it is portrayed in the movies. REAL love is about the argument, being content with someone for who they are, and knowing that they'll stay as long as they are happy with you.
3) Oh, and the whole sparkling thing is a good concept. It shows the beauty of being unique and is an interesting alternative to burning. Although, I will watch Blade before Twilight any day.
To answer the first question I completely thinks she is way too whiny. If I were Edward or Jacob I probably would have just walked away. She just comes off as needy and immature. She needs to learn to accept the situation a little better and move on with her life.
1) Of course, Bella is whiny, I think it kind of defines her character. She doesn't deserve either guy because, though they're both completely different, they are ideal men and Bella, being a "whiny-do-nothing," deserves someone way worse than them.
2) I would obviously move on because if a guy was so inconsiderate (apparently) to leave in the midst of a great relationship, he isn't worth my time. Becoming manic-dessive is time consuming and uses to much effort for someone who seemingly cared so little.
3) Vampires just shouldn't sparkle. It makes them seem so much less intimidating than the reputation they've worked so hard on. =)
haha someone hates twilight.
2. Honestly, I think it depends on how long you have known/been with your love interest. If you've been with them for 1 month and freak out when they leave, then thats a tad bit pushing it. But a year, 2 years, even more. Even a husband and divorce, I understand where bella's coming from. But yes I do agree with you she does become quite the depressive young girl. I didn't like the second book that much at all and I do notice she just sits there and is depressed and honestly, i would be sad if it was a year longer relationship, but I wouldn't waste my time sitting there and being sad. I would move on.
3. I think that you vanessa should burn in the sun and not sparkle because although i feel twilight is misleading towards some various groups of people, sparkling in the sun is just too cool.
Well i've never read the books, but i think edward and jacob can totally do better than that bella chick. she doesnt even have cool powers. and to answer the third question, yes i think they should burn in the sun.
Jacci- I actually love twilight hahaha. :)
Kyle- I'm going to sound SO lame, but, in the fourth book, Bella ends up getting a cool power. Like, I said, I sound lame hahaha.
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