Due to her job, Azeucena has been allowed to meet her twin, Rodrigo, early. However, Rodrigo is now lost through time and space and Azeucena must go find him. With the help of her guardian angel, Anacreonte, she leaves on her journey to rescue Rodrigo. Throughout the story, Azeucena meets many strange characters that help her find her lost soul mate. I won't tell you how it ends, but I will say the novel has a very complex, exciting plot that made the book an easy read.
1) If you were given the opportunity to go back and fix something in your past that has negatively affected who you are today would you? Why?
2) What do you think about the concept of "twin souls"? Do you think that every person truly has a perfect match for themselves?
1.) I wouldn't go back to fix something because I feel that if I make a mistake I should learn from it. If I don't learn from a mistake, I'll probably do the same thing again.
answering the first question, i dont think i would. I feel that every decision you make, regardless of outcome makes you who you are. You just have to be conscious about every decision you make and learn from it.
1. Honestly I would go back and change it. The only thing that might stop me is not knowing the outcome of changing that mistake. In most cases people are heard saying that they would go back and fix it if they could and I am a part of that group.
2. I don't think that there is such a thing as a perfect match. There are too many variables like past experiences that shapes who a person is. Hypothetically, if there were twin souls, than that person would have to have gone through mirroring experiences to be a perfect match. I'm assuming that the perfect match is people of similar tastes, not the whole opposites attract saying, considering your question says twin.
This book sounds interesting; I think I may go read it during my spare time. =)
1) No, I wouldn't go back and change it, but only because I probably don't care enough. There are a lot of stupid things I've done that could really affect who I am today, but to be honest, I'm way to lazy to even worry about them.
2) I also don't think anyone has a perfect match. Everyone is completely unique and they have all been through different situations that have shaped their personalities and views of life in a unique way.
1. I would be tempted because I feel really bad about some things that have hurt others, but I would not go back and fix it. That could end up making things worse, or it could make something else happen that is just as bad. I think if we could all just go back and fix our mistakes, there would be no need for feeling guilt. Without guilt, no one would try to be better because they can just go back and change it.
1. I wouldn't want to change anything about my past unless I knew for 100% it would affect me positively even then I probably still wouldn't because I wouldn't know how it would affect other people.
1) I don't think I would fix something in my past that negatively affected my life, even though I would really want to, because it's hard to appreciate the good things in life unless you experience these bad things and learn from your mistakes.
2) I don't think that everyone has a perfect match for them. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't find that one person out of the billions of people in the world.
1) I would not go back and change anything about my past. I believe that the past makes me who I am today, even the bad experiences.
2) I think that everyone that wants a perfect match, can find one. They may not have a perfect relationship, but they are perfect for each other. They make each other better people and they fit together perfectly.
If I were given the chance to go back and change something in my past, I dont think that I would. Whatever had affected me negatively also shaped me to be the person that i am today, and could have also affected numerous other people.
In my own response to question one I don't think I would return to my past to fix my mistakes because I believe that it is your mistakes that makes you who you are.
Responding to question two, I do think that everyone must have someone who is uniquley matched to them. I believe in true love and that once a person finds it, they will be the complete version of themselves.
I want to agree with Vanessa. I want to say that I wouldn't go back to the past to fix something because my mistakes have made me a better person. I want to believe that I wouldn't, but it would be tempting. Their are things in m life that I have done or not done that still haunt me today. Even though I have learned from those experiences, they still make my uncomfortable whenever I am reminded of them. That being said, I might just go back and fix my mistakes so that I wouldn't be plagued by my past.
1) I would not go back and fix a mistake that I made in the past. I believe that everything happens for a reason and even though some things may be bad they help make who you are. I think that bad experiences only make you stronger and help you to appreciate when things go right.
2)I do not think that I believe in "twin souls." I believe that everyone is capable of finding love but I do not think that there is just one person out there that is destined to be your soul mate. I do not think love can ever be perfect and to think that there is only one person in the entire world that can make you happy is far-fetched.
Is this one in all wingdings for anyone else?
yes it is sean. I was going to post about how much I love circles and squares and other useless symbols...
As a a hardcore believer in the Butterfly Affect, I would have to say that as much as I would like to correct my errors of the past, I would not. I know some sort of domino affect could take place changing where I am now in life if an error of my past was changed. I love where I am today in life and would not change a thing.
As for the concept of 'soul mates' or 'twin souls', I am not really a believer. I think that love is situational. There is certainly an ideal love that people can share for the rest of their lives, but this is not to say that another love could not be found.
Answer to question one. I would not go back to fix past events. I believe that people learn from their mistakes and if you go to fix it, you would not have learned, and might mess something else up in the future
1) I would be very tempted to go back and fix things in my past, but in the end I would talk myself out of it for fear of what fixing that one mistake would do to the rest of my life.
1. If I had the chance to change something in my past I would be torn between whether or not to change what happened. Part of me would want to change it because living with some mistakes is unbearable but at the same time, I like to think I learned something from the mistake. In the end I think I would probably go back and change the past.
This is all in wingdings for me and its freakin me out.
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