The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe is a collection put together by the company Barnes & Noble Inc. It contains every single piece of literary work that Poe had ever written. Including his only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, which sadly ended up being one of the worst novels ever published. However, I decided to read several of his poems, all having a related theme: The death of a beautiful girl. I chose the following poems: "The Raven," "Eldorado," "To Helen," "Deep in Earth," "A Valentine," "Annabel Lee," and several other poems. They all hold the central plot of either a beautiful girl dying or the lost of a love one. Sub plots include simple reflection on Romance and the feeling of loneliness. Poe has commonly been looked at as been a Dark Romantic, which is a somewhat accurate description of his writings and beliefs. However, when you deeper into his work, the reader begins to feel sympathy for this man and begins to understand why so much of his work is seen as almost depressing in some cases. The poem "Annabel Lee" is usually connected to the death of his beloved wife, Virginia Clemm, who died while they were young. And "The Raven" talks of a man who has lost the love of his life and feels no need to live a happy life anymore. "A Valentine" is one of his only poems that contains no signs of depression or darkness. It's a simple, yet elegant love poem; possibly for Virginia. It should also be noted that Poe's idle, a mother of a friend, died when he was still in his younger years. This definitely contributed some grief to the hopeless romantic. Overall, his love was anything but amazing. However, the reader must keep in mind that not all great writers come from a great past. If that was the case, there would be nowhere as much amazing literary work than there is today.
1. If the love of your life died, would you be able to accept his/her death? Or would a piece of you feel broken for the rest of your life? Would you be able to fall in love again?
2. What are your views on Poe? Do you like his work? Why do you think his only novel flopped?
3. Would you consider Poe to be an 'old school emo?'
To answer 1, I think it's necessary to get over the death of people, otherwise we would all just be living to die. We can't focus on death or loss or sadness, we have to focus on life and the spontaneity of our choices while we are still truly living.
Also I do not think that his novel did well because he's not a novelist, he's a poet and although his poetry is beautiful, writing a novel is much different, it must have a plot and structure that is completely different than his poems, something poets sometimes have a hard time grasping.
Answering question number 1, if the love of my life died, I think I would eventually learn to live with it. I would have to accept it and get over it eventually if I wanted to keep living a happy and normal life. Yes, I would feel miserable for a very long time. My life would never be exactly the same and it would break my heart to be away from my loved one forever. But people have to learn to be strong and stay strong for the other loved ones around them. Mourning takes time, but everyone has to overcome it to become a strong member of society.
If the love of my life died, i would get it over it eventually but it would take along time. I would never forget them though and learn to love again. But I've never been in the situation so i truly dont know how it feels. I know that death for some poeple takes a part of them that they may never get back, but one must move on.
2) I personally do not like Poe, because his works are rather dark and morbid. I would classify myself as more of a happy person therefore his novels creep me out a little. I think his novel was unpopular because people were unable to relate to his works and it takes a select group of people to enjoy his writing.
2.) I like Poe's works because they are so dark and raw. I'm a generally happy person, but everyone goes through dark times and the mind seems to change. Poe seems to grasp the dark concept that many people hold onto in their "dark ages" and part of me is drawn to that.
If the love of my life died, i think it would be a terrible experience. Even though everyone only lives for so long, it's still hard to think that you will eventually lose someone that could possibly mean the most to you. I'm sure that over time I would eventually accept their death, but it would be so hard to overcome. And even if I did accept it, a part of me would most likely still feel like it was missing.
1) I think that I would be able to accept his death however, when you fall in love with someone, you give a piece of yourself to that person. Therefore, when they died, they would take that part of you with them to the grave. After a long time of grieving and starting my life again, I do think that I would be able to love again.
Death is hard to handle for any loved one, but I do think that after a long while I would be able to come to terms with my love's death. I believe that every relationship is different, so every love is different. I also believe love is situational, so if the right situation presented itself, I could love again.
If the love on my life died, I would be heartbroken. It would take me a long time to realize that they are gone for good, and I would become upset a lot. I would probably feel broken for my whole life; however, I feel like after a while, I would be able to get into a new relationship and find that comfort again. The loved one that dies would be the largest part of me whether dead or alive.
1) it would take a while to fully understand what happened but I think I would eventually move on. A piece of me would be missing for ever though
1. Dealing with the death of someone you love is always a horribly painful thing to deal with but I don't think it would keep you from ever loving again. You can't replace that person and the relationship you had with them but you can find a new love with someone else. You can still love the person you lost even though you've moved on with your life.
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